Saturday, April 9, 2011

Chapter 9-10 Vocab Animal Farm

superannuated -Retire or become ineligible because of old age or infirmity(This is an example of a superannuated car,rusted,and old)

unanimously- With agreement of all involved(During a boxing match if no one knocks each other out or has a TKO judges vote and form a unanimous decision)

solemnly-Deeply earnest, serious, and sober.(In a court you solemnly swear in the Judges Oath)

contemptuously -feeling or showing contempt.(An example of an athlete being contemptuous)

pension -A regular payment made during retirement.(After you enter retirement you gain pension from the government)

inebriates -to inoxicate(During situations like a house party people are usually pressured into drinking to have "fun")

filial -of, pertaining to, or befitting a son or daughter(a son belonging to the two parents)

simultaneously -to happen at the same exact moment(Texting and driving is an example of a simultaneous action and should be avoided)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chapter 7-8 Vocab Animal Farm

Emboldened -to give someone the courage or confidence to do something or behave in a certain way.(I chose the picture because George Washington was able to embolden his people to lead them to victory over Britain during the  American Revolution)

capitulated -unwelcome demand surrender.(I chose a pirate ship since pirates force sailors to surrender under certain demands such as giving the pirates the ship entirely)

countenance -a persons face or facial expression.(This picture shows how much President Bush cared for America)

lurking -to remain hidden as to waiting in ambush for someone or something.(In this picture mountain lion lurks for his prey)

tumult -a loud,confused noise.(an example of a tumult of pro-Qaddafi supporters in Libya)

retinue-a group of advisors assistants.(This is a perfect example of a retinue,since the bee's are there to aid anything the queen desires)

conciliatory -to try to win over to your side.(The election is an example of a conciliatory event. In which candidates try to win over peoples votes.)

impending-about to happen of (something bad)(During  the time of the photo the plane hitting the tower was impending)

Chapter 4-6 Vocab Animal Farm

Shrewd-astute;clever( I chose this pictures since the watches as the handle is very clever)

Perpetually- Continually (I chose this picture because toothache's cause perpetual pain)

Irrepressible-Impossible to control or restrain (I chose this image because a tank is almost impossible to stop)

Ignominious- Disgraceful;Shameful(I chose this picture since robbers should be put to shame and are also disgraceful to society.

Impromptu- not rehearsed;at spur of the moment( i chose this picture since in music improvisation is impromptu.

Posthumously-to occur after death.( I chose this picture since funerals occur after the death of a loved one)

Pretext- an excuse to do something or say something (I chose the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand since it was an excuse to start WW1)

Crucial-decisive or critical( I chose a picture of water since water is crucial for life)

Chapter 1-3 Vocab Animal Farm

Cynical- Bitterly mocking (I chose this picture because shows how a cynical person thinks)

Tyranny-absolute power,esp when used unjustly of cruelly(I chose this picture because Gaddafi is an example of a tyrant since he uses violence against his own)

Falter- waver in confidence;hesitate;fail ( I chose this picture because the Egyptian revolution never let their plan falter)

Pre-eminent-outstanding(Aphrodisias Temple is an example of a pre-eminent structure)

Vivacious-lively;spirited(Babies are an example of vivacious people)

Apathy- lack of interest or emotion(I chose this picture since it shows how apathy is actually portrayed)

Obstinate-Stubbornly inflexible(I chose this picture because it shows how a obstinate person would react to a situation)

Indefatigable-untiring;tireless( I chose this because Superman is never tired)

Animal Farm | Chapters 9-10 Questions | Adam Cardoza

1. What special treatment did pigs and piglets get?
The pigs were naturally born as intelligent. Unlike other animals the piglets didn’t play with the other animals. Pigs could were looked at as majestic. They also dressed differently with ribbons on their tails.

2. What happened to Boxer?
After Boxer was injured, he was supposed to be sent to a hospital but instead Napoleon sold him to the butcher. The animals were able to find out that something has gone wrong since the van didn’t say ambulance.

3. The animals on the farm worked hard. What was their consolation?
Their consolation was that this time they were working for their selves instead of Man.

4. What was Clover startled to discover?
Clover was startled when she discovered pigs walking on two legs.

5. What commandment took the place of the Seven Commandments?
The commandment that took the place of the Seven Commandments was, "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

6. What did the other animals see when they looked in to the farmhouse?
When the animals looked into the farmhouse they can see the pigs and the humans together. Together as if they formed some sort of alliance. In addition the animals couldn’t differentiate between the two.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chapter Questiosn 7-8 Animal Farm

Why did the hens hav eto give up their eggs?

Napoleon made a contract with the farmers.

How has Snowball's role been changed by the end of Chapter 6?

Snowball is now looked at a criminal because of all the false accusations.

Why did Napoleon begin executing animals?

He made the animals think they were doing something wrong.To eliminate any threat to

Whom did Boxer Blame for the executions?

Boxer blamed the animals themselves. His solution was to work harder.

WHy did the animals sing the "Beasts of England" song slowly and mournfully as they were gathered on the knoll?

They were mourning for their dead comrades and the ideas the song portrayed were not the same as what happened
after the revolution.

Why was the singing of "Beasts of England" banned?

The singing of "beasts of England" was banned because the revolution was over and there was no need. The true
reason was that it reminded the animals of the true ideas that they desired.

In what ways Has Napoleon set himself apart from the other animals?

He gave himself names such as Comrade.He didn't go anywhere without his guard dogs.He gave himself all the power
and benefits he needed.

How did Frederick cheat Napoleon?

He cheated Napoleon by giving him forged banknotes for lumber.

What moved the animals to attack Frederich and his men at the Battle of the Windmill?

The men blew up the windmill.

Why was Comrade Napoleon "dying"?

He was drinking whiskey and obviously too much of it.

Chapter Questions 4-6

1.What was the Battle of the Cowshed?
Animals were able to defend against Mr Jones and his men from taking the farm back.

2.  What was Snowball's role in the Battle of the Cowshed?

He was able to plan out the coordination.

3. Describe the relationship between Snowball and Napoleon.

They can never seem to agree or get along. One wants to be better than the other.
For example,the building of the windmill was disagreed between the two.

4. What topic causes the animals to be divided? Which pig was for this and which was against this? 

The building of the windmill since Napoleon was against the building and Snowball was for the building

5. How does Napoleon get rid of Snowball and gain full control of the animals? 

Snowballs gets ran off the farm by Napoleons dogs.

6. What changes does Napoleon make first? 

He changes the fact of the Sunday meetings and appoints that the pigs would settle and questions.

7. How does Squealer explain Napoleon's take-over to the others?  He said that it was a sacrifice for Napoleon to lead, that Napoleon would let them make their own decisions, but that they might make the wrong ones.  Squealer kind of tried to scare them by asking if they wanted Jones back.  He was very persuasive and influential. 

 Squealer says that Napoleon would help them make good decisions.He says that if he was appointed Jones would come back.

8. What two maxims (sayings) does Boxer adopt?

The two maxims that boxer adopts is,"Napoleon is always right" and "I will work harder."

9. Why does Napoleon change his mind and decide to have the animals build the windmill?

From the beggining he actually "supported the idea to build the windmill" at the same time he takes all credit for the idea.

10.   For what purpose does Napoleon begin trading?

He wanted to make money for the windmill

11.   Why do the pigs say they have to move into the house?

They have to rest due to all the work they do.

12.   Who does Napoleon blame for the windmill disaster?  Why?

Snowball,to make the animals think he is a criminal.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chapter 1-3 Questions Animal Farm

Animal Farm Chapter 1-3 Adam Cardoza

1.Old Major is a highly regarded, majestic looking pig that has a benevolent appearance. Boxer is an enormous beast. A strong horse with a white stripe down his nose. Boxer isn’t the brightest animal there is. Clover is the other cart horse. A stout motherly mare approaching middle life. Benjamin a donkey, is the oldest animal on the farm and the worst tempered. He has never laughed and seldom talks. Millie is a foolish pretty white mare and is also flirtatious.

2.Major called the meeting to announce his dream. He also mentioned that he would die soon and that he need to pass the wisdom about the Rebellion. He hopes the animals will pass the wisdom onto future generations.

3.The points Major summarizes is that whatever stands on four legs or has wings is a friend while whatever stands on the two legs is an enemy. He places emphasis on how man is evil.

4.The “Beast of England” is a song that Major had dreamt about. It stands for the freedom of animals on animal farms.

5.The work of teaching and organizing the others fell naturally on the pigs. They were recognized as cleverest of the animals.

6.Snow and Napolean are two young boars. Napolean was a large rather fierce looking boar, not much of a talker but it is known to have got his way. Snow ball is a more vivacious pig than Napolean,quicker in speech and more intensive. Squealer is a small fat pig. He’s a brilliant talk and has persuasive skills. For example skipping side to side and moving his tail. Moses is a raven that perches on the back door of the farm house.

7.The Rebellion was started when Mr. Jones lost in money in a lawsuit. This then led him to alcohol. This caused the animals to be underfed. The animals were tired of the mistreatment and started the Rebellion by breaking in to the shed food.

8. The seven commandments are :
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
What ever goes up on four legs or has wings is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animals shall sleep in a bed.
No animals shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.

9.The pigs  got the leadership because it was natural with the superior knowledge that they should be in charge.

10. The animals flag was green representing the green fields of England. While the hoof and horns represent the future republic of the Animals after humans are overthrown.

11 The milk was mixed in with the pigs mash while the apples were reserved for the pigs. Squealer rationalized this by saying it was essential for the survival. He also said if the pigs failed in their duty Mr. Jones would return back.